April 13

The 5th season-Testing

Now is the time of year that the “crunch” has begun. Teachers finish teaching their curriculum and begin the review. For some grades the review includes the current year, however other grades include multiple years of a subject. Many educators spend a lot of time creating games for in-class use, but what happens when the students leave? Worksheets? Paper copies of a vocabulary sort are wonderful but can only be used so many times. A great review will include a variety of items. This is where technology comes in to play and Study Stack is the place to go.

Study Stack offers the ability to review vocabulary and concepts in a variety of ways, including games. The teacher will create their free account and enter the information needed to study. Students can access the site from any computer with internet access or view it on a handheld device after the app has been downloaded. Activity options are listed below.

Like the idea of review games online, but you would prefer a different site. Go to the bottom of the Study Stacks’s main page to find other websites that offer similar study options.